
  • 酒庄
  • 2023年11月13日
  • 1626634
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作者:WineCountry Collective 2023年11月13日

Every winery has its own unique charm, but some rise above the rest… especially in ag体育正规在这里,令人惊叹的酒庄似乎从每个有利位置涌现出来. 在这里, 在一排排精心培育的葡萄藤中, 建筑奇迹融合了传统与创新, 这里有世界上最美味的葡萄酒. 和, 不用说,每个酒庄都有自己的故事, 一些人, 坦率地说, 比别人更吸引人的眼睛.

Dive with us into the vine-drenched beauty of ag体育正规 as we introduce you to ten wineries that don’t just stand out—they soar. 这里是ag体育正规最美丽的酒庄.


路易斯·米. 马提尼地窖
路易斯·米. 马提尼酒窖,图片由 路易斯·米. 马提尼 |克里斯汀·克罗珀

路易斯·米. 马提尼酒庄

线条流畅,色调阳刚,最近恢复了 路易斯·米. 马提尼酒庄-由著名的葡萄酒之乡建筑师Backen, Gillam重新设计 & 克罗格提供了一个令人惊叹的当代空间,从啜饮. Along with a refreshed look that blends modern details with timeless elements, 酿酒厂提供各种各样的 精心策划的美食美酒体验, available both in the stylish Heritage Lounge and the Underground Cellar. 外, the grassy open space known as 马提尼 Park provides tasters with a pristine setting in which to enjoy lawn games and al fresco wine service.

内幕消息: 如果你追求的是户外品酒体验,那么 马提尼公园品鉴会 是一种轻松的方式来享受这个历史悠久的酒庄的葡萄酒吗. But if you’re with a group, opt to reserve your own private cabana in 马提尼 Park. 小屋的开放时间长达两个小时, 最多可容纳10位客人, and include four wines paired with a selection of Italian inspired culinary delights.

访问: 254 St. 海伦娜公路S,圣. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)968-3362



纳帕以其迷人的风景而闻名, 世界级的葡萄酒, 独家体验, 当你访问时,你会得到这些,甚至更多 Fantesca房地产 & 酒庄. 这 beautiful estate vineyard and winery is owned by Susan and Duane Hoff, 谁在2004年买下了占地53英亩的春山庄园. 预订 私人品尝 may be limited—there are only six tastings offered per day—and bookings require a short questionnaire in advance in order to customize the experience to each group, but those who make the effort will be rewarded with views of the stunning estate vines, 徒步游览令人印象深刻的山间洞穴系统, 在导游的指导下品尝 精致的葡萄酒,由 世界著名酿酒师海蒂·巴雷特.

内幕消息: Fantesca是关于庆祝葡萄酒和美好生活的, 因此,事件在他们的经历中占据如此重要的一部分也就不足为奇了. Fantesca的会员活动 遍布全国, from their annual Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans to their Kentucky Derby party in Louisville, 是你永远不会忘记的事情.

品费: $200
访问: 春山路2920号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)968-9229

令人惊叹的艺术、景色 & 葡萄酒


成立于1978年, the 赫斯·佩尔松地产 is perched on the historic grounds of one of 纳帕’s oldest wineries. 在这里, wines are grown at high elevation on Mount Veeder and are allowed to age beautifully. 体验这个宁静的1000英亩的物业的最佳方式是预订 亚视葡萄园游, 这样你就能近距离接触葡萄园了, 欣赏全景, and ending the day with a delectable wine and food pairing in the tasting room.

内幕消息: 赫斯·佩尔松庄园兼作当代建筑 艺术画廊. Mix your appreciation of both wine and art with the Tour of the Palate experience. 这种个人, guided tour of the gallery and museum ends with Executive Chef Chad Hendrickson’s artfully created three-course tasting menu, 搭配限量生产的赫斯·佩尔松地产葡萄酒. It’s pretty delightful, and may just make an art fan out of you if you’re not already.



图片由 松岭葡萄园


成立于1978年, 松岭葡萄园 是一个风景如画的酒庄,位于雄鹿跳跃区的中心,在哪里 亲密品酒和游览 feature stunning views of their sustainable vineyards and the surrounding hills. 品尝酒庄的优雅 赤霞珠 从阴凉的露台或野餐场地轻松设置的葡萄酒, making time to explore the demonstration vineyard to get a closer look at the vines, or opt for one of the cave tasting experiences which will find you touring the winery’s vast European-inspired caves.

内幕消息: For a deep dive into all things Pine Ridge, book the new 探索r’s Tasting. 在这种沉浸式体验中, you’ll journey through the vineyard by foot before venturing into the winery’s caves and winemaking facilities. 这 two-hour educational experience commences with a seated tasting of some of Pine Ridge’s most exclusive wines.

访问地址:5901 Silverado Trail, 纳帕, CA 94558, (800)575 -9777


图片由 葡萄园Carneros


There’s a reason why this stunning estate is so popular amongst visitors—葡萄园Carneros 是ag体育正规最雄伟的ch酒的故乡. Inspired by the 18th century Château de la Marquetterie in Champagne, France, guests are invited to 享受他们的闪闪发光 and still wines in the Louis XV-inspired salon or on the terrace overlooking the vines while contemplating what it must feel like to be born into French royalty.

内幕消息: 试试酿酒厂的精心策划的食物 & 葡萄酒搭配, 泡沫 & 咬,展示了起泡酒与食物搭配的多样性. 目前的产品, 东南亚之旅, showcases sparkling wines versatility as it pairs perfectly with cuisine from Vietnam, 泰国, 和印度. 四口咸的,一口甜的, 包括越南菜和蛋奶蛋糕, are perfectly paired with various 葡萄园Carneros’ methode traditionelle sparkling varietals.



图片由 圆塘邨


The moment you arrive to the palm-lined driveway of this beautiful 卢瑟福 estate, 你知道你会有惊喜的. 灵感来自旧世界意大利人的热情好客 圆形池塘‘s tasting experiences take place outside on the inviting covered terrace overlooking the vines, 庄园出产的葡萄酒在哪里搭配 手工咬 用现场种植的原料制作,包括他们的 庄园出产的橄榄油.

内幕消息: There are few places in Northern California where you can taste wine and estate olive oil in one place, 但在圆池塘你就可以这么做. ag体育正规(ag体育正规)的两家橄榄磨坊之一,圆塘(圆形池塘)提供 参观工厂,其中包括他们的庄园橄榄油和醋的指导品尝. 这是品酒之间的完美插曲.



图片由 鹿跃酒厂


Situated along the Silverado Trail in the heart of the famed Stags Leap District is the historic 鹿跃酒厂. 其历史可以追溯到1893年, the picturesque 19th century stone winery is worthy of a visit in its own right, 以城堡般的细节建筑为特色, 方格天花板, 还有彩色玻璃窗, 但是要加上 令人印象深刻的赤霞珠组合 and it’s no wonder why this storied property has remained a top destination in 葡萄酒的国家 年复一年.

内幕消息: 如果天气晴朗的话(ag体育正规大部分时间都是这样)!),你可能会想要 预订门廊品酒会. 每天上午11点开始提供, this seated tasting experience on the porch of the Manor House is sure to transport you back in time to the elegant early days of 葡萄酒的国家.



图片由 炉边


历史悠久的ag体育正规酒庄,成立于1879年,由 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 和家人, 谁在1975年购买了部分酒庄,在1995年购买了剩余的酒庄, 从那时起,宏伟的城堡和庭院就恢复了辉煌. 周围是藤蔓覆盖的藤架, 郁郁葱葱的树木, 喷泉, 和1,700英亩的葡萄藤, 这里是品尝标志性的卢瑟福葡萄酒的好地方.

内幕消息: Those interested in exploring the rich legacy of 炉边 will want to reserve the 私人图书馆体验, a guided walking tour of the estate culminating in a seated library wine and cheese tasting in the winery’s historic cellar.

品费用: 75美元起
访问: 1991 St. 海伦娜公路,加州卢瑟福94573,(707)968 -1179


马亚卡马斯葡萄园 & 酒庄

成立于1889年, 马亚卡马斯葡萄园 长期以来一直被公认为是值得年龄的顶级制作人 ag体育正规赤霞珠, Chardonnay, and Merlot wines, which are carefully made using traditional winemaking techniques. 坐落在高高的山谷之上,参观他们的 山腰财产 是一种特殊的享受, where a tour of the historic grounds is followed by an al fresco tasting alongside breathtaking views you won’t forget.

内幕消息: 虽然这和参观酿酒厂的体验不太一样, you can sample the wines of Mayacamas at a fraction of the price by visiting their 市中心的纳帕品酒室—a chic space in which to taste a selection of current releases and library wines.



图片由 Quintessa


从土地的地形和自然奇观中汲取灵感, Quintessa is designed in a way that lets you capture the essence of ag体育正规 from every vantage point. 坐落在280英亩的原始卢瑟福中心, 参观这个独特的财产是所有关于葡萄酒和景色. 私人体验开始与导游步行穿过庄园, 了解酒厂对有机农业实践的承诺, 然后坐着品尝露天观景, where your experience is enhanced by panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards.

内幕消息: Quintessa的葡萄酒以顶级评论家的高分而闻名. 如果你是一个收藏家, 也许值得询问一下他们的图书馆选择, 因为酿酒厂确实会发布过去的年份供购买. 你可以品尝其中的一些, 并通过他们的17,000平方英尺的洞穴系统, 在收藏家体验期间.

访问网址:‍圣赫勒拿岛西尔维拉多路1601号,CA 94574, (707)286-2730


ag体育正规, 宁静的风景和丰富的葡萄栽培历史, 为游客提供无与伦比的葡萄酒之旅. The ten wineries listed above are not just about sampling wine—they provide a true sensory experience, 和谐交融的氛围, 体系结构, 还有酿酒的艺术性. 然而,纳帕的吸引力并不止于此. 邻近的索诺玛县, 有着田园的魅力和脚踏实地的氛围, 同样迷人, 充满了 美丽的葡萄酒厂 你会想要在你的下一次葡萄酒之乡冒险中探索的. 为葡萄酒之乡的魅力干杯!